This attractive, heavily illustrated field guide is the most comprehensive accounting of the woody plants of Arkansas ever published.  The book will be a valuable companion for all who appreciate Arkansas flora in rural, urban, and wilderness areas. You will want to have a copy in your backpack as well as on your bookshelf. P. Allen Smith says,  "This is a colossal body of work that will inform and benefit many, enthusiasts and professionals alike, for decades to come." Dr. Gary Tucker says, "What a great job you guys have done on the book.  A much-needed publication that is well written..."  
  • Arkansas Butterflies and Moths, 2nd edition, includes 264 species of butterflies and moths found in Arkansas.  Species identification is facilitated through detailed text entries alongside 300 full-sized color photographs. And, for the first time ever, all butterfly species in the state are included. Many live photographs and shots of larvae are used, and butterfly gardening and prime butterfly-watching locations in the state are covered.

  • This book interprets our natural surroundings in a way that enhances a simple walk in the scenic deciduous woodlands of the Ozark Mountain region. Explanations go beyond trees and their habitat to include other diverse subjects: the leaf litter beneath a hiker’s feet, strategies used by wildflowers for pollination and seed dispersal, diseases that can ravage our forests, and forces active in the landscape that impact conservation efforts. Simplified line drawings demonstrate specific points of interest in a way that visually cluttered photographs cannot do. Includes: 163 line drawings, a list of species used in the text, a glossary, and a reading list.
  • Two old college buddies contemplate hiking the Appalachian Trail. The problem is, one of them is severely vision impaired and his ability to follow a simple footpath is in serious question. They decide to first try an overnight hike in Arkansas; an unmitigated disaster. Upon their return, one fellow's wife declares he is too old fat and blind to be crashing about in the woods. The other’s wife notes how lucky they are to have learned their lesson before attempting anything as seriously challenging as the Appalachian Trail. Humiliated, their dignity in tatters, (and perhaps not the fastest learners), they decide to go anyway. This is their story, traveling America’s greatest footpath; the places, the people, the history. ISBN: 979-8577057978, 276 pages, paperback, February 2021
  • Letters To Dan: A Philosophical Guide to the Ozarks, written by Don House, is a series of essays and photos about the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas. It is the winner of the Ozark Society Sassafras Award in Literature.  The guideposts for this journey are the region's rivers and hills, it's forests and vibrant wildflowers.  In personal essays and photographs, Don House describes old cemeteries, abandoned buildings, and highway memorial crosses.  He introduces us to a neighbor skilled at dowsing, to local cafe owners and river guides.  The essays express a love of the region's heritage and it's modern culture.  The book creates a sense of place and shows us how to live in harmony with the natural world. $20.00 ISBN 978-0-912456-12-6
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    The highly anticipated second edition of the Buffalo River Handbook, written by Kenneth L. Smith, updates and expands the first edition initially published in 2004. The new edition includes the recently completed 28-mile segment of the Buffalo River Trail from U.S. Hwy 65 (Grinder’s Ferry) to AR Hwy 14 (Dillard’s Ferry) along the Buffalo National River in north Arkansas. Updates and revisions throughout the book describe the current setting with respect to campsite information and amenities, status of historic structures, and geologic conditions of the river and trails. Ken Smith—conservationist, park planner, and the designer and construction supervisor of most of the eighty miles of the Buffalo River Trail—brings to light in this edition his discerning engineer’s intellect, his photographer’s eye, his love for the outdoors as well as the people and land of the Ozarks and the Buffalo National River, and his passion for the protection and active exploration of our natural resources. An inductee into the Arkansas Tourism Hall of Fame in 2017 for his conservation efforts, Smith offers a three-part guide to the river, complete with maps, diagrams and photographs: insights on geology, wildlife, plants, Native Americans, pioneers, and the history of the development of the Buffalo River as the first National river; a detailed guide describing the entire 146-mile length of the river itself; and a guide for over 150 miles of hiking trails. The Buffalo River Handbook, 2nd edition, is a comprehensive reference encyclopedia, a trail and float guide, and a cultural history of the area of north Arkansas that encompasses the Buffalo River—a jewel in the crown of undammed, free-flowing rivers in Arkansas and the nation.
  • These wonderfully detailed and beautifully printed photographs are about people's adventures and discoveries: The Buffalo River and its towering bluffs, its side canyons with hidden waterfalls, its natural bridges, historic places, and more. For those who have been there, the book brings great memories. Been there or not, it can inspire you to learn more. In his essay, John Heuston tells how these photographs became powerful weapons in historic battles to keep the Buffalo River and other wonders from being spoiled. The book’s nearly 100 photographs are reproduced by the same duotone process employed for the finest books of photographic art. 96 pages, hardbound, 9½ x 10.
  • This beautiful color illustrated book provides a clear, concise way for children to identify Arkansas’s state butterfly, the Diana Fritillary, in its natural habitat by Lori A. Spencer. It features 28 color photographs, drawings, and other resources for children, parents, and social studies teachers.

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    Under the auspices of the 1938 Flood Control Act, the U.S. Corps of Engineers began to pursue an aggressive dam-building campaign. A grateful public generally lauded their efforts, but when they turned their attention to Arkansas’s Buffalo River, the vocal opposition their proposed projects generated dumbfounded them. Never before had anyone challenged the Corps’ assumption that damming a river was an improvement. Led by Neil Compton, a physician in Bentonville, Arkansas, a group of area conservationists formed the Ozark Society to join the battle for the Buffalo. This book is the account of this decade-long struggle that drew in such political figures as U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, Senator J. William Fulbright, and Governor Orval Faubus. The battle finally ended in 1972 with President Richard Nixon’s designation of the Buffalo as the first national river. Drawing on hundreds of personal letters, photographs, maps, newspaper articles, and reminiscences, Compton’s lively book details the trials, gains, setbacks, and ultimate triumph in one of the first major skirmishes between environmentalists and developers.


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